My Amazing Husband

Unless you have traveled the road of infertility you don’t truly know what kind of toll it takes on couples.  It’s emotionally, physically, and financially draining and we all know that when you combine those three things, it can be extremely trying on a marriage.  I read a lot of blogs and am part of…


Jayson and I went to Wichita on Monday for our doctor’s appointment.   We had some lab work completed, went over paperwork that we had to sign, and then discussed our schedule for moving forward. We were originally hoping that things would all happen in August, however due to the timing after we selected our donor,…

Donor Secured

Jayson and I have secured our donor!!   We selected our donor on Monday, July 17th and it seemed like the longest week ever!   By Friday, July 21st, we still hadn’t heard anything so I called the egg bank to see what the status was.  Come to find out they were waiting on my clinic in…

Replacing Myself

It has been about a little under two weeks since Jayson and I were given access to the egg bank website.  While I knew that I would experience emotions and feelings, I didn’t know exactly what those would be.   I found myself looking through all the donors and feeling sad.  I kept turning my nose…

Access Granted

Jayson and I were given access to the egg bank website a few days ago.  It was exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time.  I was at work when my nurse emailed me to let me know I now had access to go online and check it out.  I waited all afternoon until…

Thank You

As Jayson and I get closer to starting the Donor Egg process, I felt it was extremely important to dedicate a blog post to all of you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!   Those two words simply don’t do justice for how Jayson and I feel about all of the amazing people who have…

Balancing Emotions

Jayson and I had a counseling appointment earlier this week for our donor egg process.  The session was intense and it seemed like we covered so much in such a short time.  Our clinic requires the counseling before we are able to move forward with the egg donor process.  They are affiliated with a counselor…


I apologize for it being so long since my last post.  This summer is so extremely busy with work and wonderful events for our family and friends.  Jayson and I also recently met with our doctors in Wichita to go over the game plan for donor eggs as well as to get some additional information…

Mother’s Day

If you would have told me years ago that Mother’s Day could be the most dreaded and painful day for thousands of women, I wouldn’t have believed you.   What in the world could be so painful about Mother’s Day?  I unfortunately, along with so many other women, found out when I started walking the road…

Pregnancy Accouncements

When you’re fighting the battle of infertility the news of anyone getting pregnant stings.  It makes you weak in the knees and it makes you question EVERYTHING.  Why am I being punished?  Does God not think I will be a good mother?  Am I not just as deserving? So many emotions creep in and while…