Mother’s Day

If you would have told me years ago that Mother’s Day could be the most dreaded and painful day for thousands of women, I wouldn’t have believed you.  

What in the world could be so painful about Mother’s Day?  I unfortunately, along with so many other women, found out when I started walking the road of infertility.  

It’s a very bittersweet day for me.  I get to celebrate both grandmothers whom I’m so blessed to still have in my life, my wonderful mom, my stepmother, my sister (mommy to be), three sister-in-laws, and friends that are all amazing parents to their children.  They show me every single day how hard and rewarding motherhood can be.

We mourn the loss of Jayson’s mom that we lost a year and a half ago and wish how we could just have 5 more minutes to talk to her, hear her voice, and receive that wonderful motherly advice she was always so good at giving.  I always told Jayson she reminded me of a Hallmark card, she always knew the right things to say in just the right moments.  

I always think of her when I hear this song:

We are so blessed to have so many amazing wonderful women in our lives and we enjoy celebrating them on Mother’s Day, however the day is very hard for me.  

I long for the days where I will wake up to a mess in the kitchen because my kids made a Mother’s Day breakfast.  

I anxiously await how on Mother’s Day I will get to stand up when the preacher asks all the Mother’s to stand to be recognized.

I can’t wait to see the artwork that my kids will make me for a Mother’s Day present.  

I think about how I will cherish the flowers the kids pick out the yard to bring inside for me.  

Sleepless nights, teething babies, potty training stubborn toddlers….. all of this I, along with so many others, can’t wait to experience.  

I went to Target last night to get Mother’s Day cards and when I was looking through the cards, it was hard, almost too hard.  Then I stumbled across two cards that were giving sympathy for Mother’s Day.  One simply said, I know this day can’t be easy for you, so I want you to know you’re in my thoughts.  It brought me so much comfort when I needed it.  I was so happy that there were cards for the mothers who lost their children, the mothers who have had miscarriages and those that are still fighting for their chance.  There were only two, but it’s a start!

While we celebrate the many wonderful mothers in our lives, let us not forget the women who are fighting so hard to hear a little voice call her “Mom”.  

With love,


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