“The Shack”

If you haven’t seen “The Shack” yet, I highly recommend you head to the movies tonight!  I went over the weekend with Jayson and his family and then went again with a couple of my friends.  It’s amazing.  

It really makes you think….and cry!

The movie helped answer so many questions for me.  I never quite understood while God was making Jayson and I walk this road and why he was causing us so much pain with making it so difficult for us to get pregnant and then putting us through the emotional turmoil of grieving four miscarriages.  

The movie talks a lot about how through all the bad, God is there.  He doesn’t leave us during the difficult times and while he doesn’t always stop the bad things, he doesn’t orchestrate them either.  That was a deep moment for me.  I was putting all the blame on Him when it isn’t His fault.

If you haven’t watched the movie, don’t read this part:
There were three moments that really got me emotional.  The first moment was when the Holy Spirit caught one of Mac’s tears and put it in a bottle.  Throughout this infertility journey I have shed MANY tears and that verse in the bible has always brought me comfort.  Seeing it in action, really pulled at my heartstrings.  

The second moment was when Mac got to see his daughter Missy in heaven.  She was running with other children and God of Son.  It was a beautiful field of green with flowers and just a perfect picture of what you would think of being peaceful in heaven.  This hit me REALLY hard but yet was so wonderful to see.  I could just see our four children up in heaven running around playing with each other as well as Jayson’s mom.  It really comforted me.

The last one was when God the Father led Mac to his daughter.  He was carrying her back, sobbing and then the song by We Are Messengers, “I’ll Think About You” started playing.  It was really hard to see and the song was so beautiful.  I couldn’t help but relate the song again to our babies we lost.  So emotional but beautiful at the same time.  

If you want an emotional religious movie that makes you think, you need to watch it.  

Here is the song from the movie.  I love it!

With love, 

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