My Amazing Husband

Unless you have traveled the road of infertility you don’t truly know what kind of toll it takes on couples.  It’s emotionally, physically, and financially draining and we all know that when you combine those three things, it can be extremely trying on a marriage.  I read a lot of blogs and am part of numerous support groups online and I hear about couples all of the time that get divorced due to the struggles that come with infertility.  

When I look back at when Jayson and I got married over five years ago, it almost seems like a lifetime ago considering everything we have gone through in such a short time.  I’m incredibly proud of us and how strong we have grown in our faith and in our marriage.  

Please don’t get me wrong, we are definitely not perfect and we have had some dark times, however we have always managed to come out stronger.  We have learned a lot about each other, each of our hopes, dreams, priorities, and what distance each of us are willing to go in order to make those dreams become a reality.  

What I have learned about my amazing husband, Jayson, is that he truly is a man of God.  He treats me like I have never been treated before.  He goes out of his way to make sure that my needs are met.  This man takes time each night to make my lunch the night before so he knows I’m eating lunch each day (I’m not a morning person and really should get up earlier, but that’s another story for a different day 😏).  This man leaves me a note every.single.morning just to remind me how much he loves me.  

Most of all, he has made this entire road to starting our family a possibility.  We have gone through nine rounds of inseminations, four rounds of IVF, and are currently getting ready to start our donor egg cycle.  This man has spent countless hours working and reworking our budget to ensure that this is a possibility for us.  Don’t get me wrong, we have had help from our amazing family and friends that we are extremely appreciative and grateful for, however the majority of this has come out of our pockets and it wouldn’t be possible without Jayson’s dedication to making this work for us.  

Jayson is truly dedicated to myself and our future family.  I have failed as a wife at truly showing my appreciation for all that he does for us and all the extra stress he takes on so I don’t have to.

Jayson, I know you don’t take compliments well but please know how much I appreciate all that you are and all that you do to make our dreams of becoming parents a reality.  You have put so much time and effort into making this happen that words don’t do my appreciation justice. If I could say only one thing to you it would be that you are proof that God answers prayers!  I love you very much! 💕

With love,


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