Update Regarding Three Remaining Embryos

I am beyond excited to share that I received a call at the end of the day yesterday letting me know that our three remaining embryos were able to be frozen!!!

We did four rounds of IVF and never had any make it to freeze.  They have to reach a certain quality before they can be frozen, and unfortunately we never had any make it to that point.  

Our nurse told Jayson and I when we met with her before starting the donor egg process not to count on any remaining to be frozen through a donor cycle either.  She said that the goal is one pregnancy with the eggs that we purchased and more often than not, they don’t have any make it to freeze.

When KU called me, the nurse stated that this was an amazing cycle and they normally don’t see this happen.  Not only did we have all six of them survive the initial thaw, five of them fertilized correctly, two excellent quality embryos to transfer, we also have the remaining three to freeze for if/when Jayson and I want to try again in the future.  

I would be lying if part of me thought this was all too good to be true but then I remind myself how powerful prayer is.  I know Jayson and I have been praying for years and now we have all of you joining with us in prayer and God is hearing our prayers!!

Jayson and I have been on a long emotionally challenging journey and the waiting is extremely hard for us.  From our past IVF cycles, we have always gotten pregnant but always miscarried.  I ask for prayers that once again we are able to become pregnant and we have healthy a baby(ies) to hold in our arms at the end of this.  I also ask for prayers for strength for Jayson and I during this stage of waiting and prayers of strength to remain hopeful and positive for a successful pregnancy should we become pregnant and that we are able to enjoy the process instead of living in fear from our past circumstances.  

While it seems like our pregnancy test date is so far away, we are so close to finding out if our embryos successfully implanted.  Thank you so much for your continued prayers as we continue to chase our rainbow!

With love,


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