Transfer Day

Yesterday morning Jayson and I drove to Kansas City for our transfer.  We hadn’t heard anything about our embryos since Thursday when I received a call from KU med.  She told me that of the six eggs we had purchased, all six survived the thaw and five of those fertilized normally. 

Shortly after that, I received a call from my nurse in Wichita, Megan.  She reiterated the news I had received from KU and then told me that things would be a little different from what I was used to when I did IVF.  When we did IVF, we usually got daily reports on the embryos up until day three.  Then at that point they didn’t disturb the embryos on day four and we heard how they were on day five for the transfer. 

This time we got the initial report and knew absolutely nothing going in to transfer on Monday.  It was brutal.  We knew that we wanted to transfer two, but we didn’t even know if we would have two to transfer come Monday morning. 

Neither Jayson or I slept well at all Sunday night.  Our nerves were shot and it made for a very long drive to KC early Monday morning. 

I have to do a transfer with a full bladder and my check in time was 10:00 but they didn’t get done until almost 11:00.  That’s torture when you are anxious and have to pee really badly on top of your nerves.  Haha! 

The nurse came in and went over instructions, etc. with us and then she said the doctor would be in shortly to perform the transfer.  We asked her if she knew anything about the embryos but of course she didn’t. 

Finally the doctor came in and they gave us a picture of the our two embryos and they told us they were excellent quality.  The doctor said that if an embryologist tells you that they are excellent quality, they are definitely that because they don’t say it very often.  Such a sense of relief for Jayson and I. 

They weren’t able to tell us about our three remaining embryos.  They said we would get a call today sometime to let us know if they were able to be frozen or not.  I haven’t heard anything yet, but hopefully soon!

I have attached pictures of the two embryos that we transferred as well as a picture of my sono.  You can’t tell much obviously from that picture however the black at the top is my extremely full bladder.  Below that in the circle in the middle is my lining and on the upper right hand side of the lining are two white dots.  Those are our embryos.  It’s pretty amazing to watch them transfer them to me. 

We couldn’t have done this without all the support and prayers that each and every one of you have given us.  We are still in need of prayers and ask that you continue to lift us up in prayer. 

With love,

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